Curriculum Vitae
Long story short
August 2020 - present
POSITION: Head of Technology Research
EMPLOYER: Kaspersky Lab [Wikipedia]
- Long term and short term strategic planning.
- Long term and short term resource planning.
- Creating of product roadmaps based on business requirements.
- Choice of software development and team management strategy.
- Detection of non-functional requirements in collaboration with business analytics.
- Design the solutions satisfying functional and non-functional software requirements.
- Development of architectural solutions satisfying non-functional software requirements.
- RND of technical practices in the industry and continuous improvement of existing technical solutions.
- Training development team to implement best industry practices.
- Writing technical documentation for architectural solutions.
- Controlling implementation of the accepted technical solutions.
- Planing and evaluation of development, testing and launching new software products.
December 2019 - August 2020 (9 month)
POSITION: System Architect
EMPLOYER: Kaspersky Lab [Wikipedia]
- Choice of software development and team management strategy in collaboration with product owner.
- Detection of non-functional requirements in collaboration with business analytics.
- Design the solutions satisfying functional and non-functional software requirements.
- Development of architectural solutions satisfying non-functional software requirements.
- RND of technical practices in the industry and continuous improvement of existing technical solutions.
- Training development team to implement best industry practices.
- Interviewing new employees (Python, GoLang, JS, Erlang, QA, DevOps).
- Writing technical documentation for architectural solutions.
- Controlling implementation of the accepted technical solutions.
- Planing and evaluation of development, testing and launching new software products.
Jule 2018 - December 2019 (1 year 5 month)
POSITION: Development Team Lead
EMPLOYER: Kaspersky Lab [Wikipedia]
- Development and improvement of architecture and infrastructure of the subsystem of orchestration and functioning of system components management.
- Management of development in Erlang Team.
- CodeReview.
- Prototyping of solutions and participation in product launch.
- Interviewing new employees (Python, GoLang, JS, Erlang, QA, DevOps).
December 2017 - Jule 2018 (8 month)
POSITION: Erlang Developer
EMPLOYER: Kaspersky Lab [Wikipedia]
- Design and development new cluster components on Erlang.
- Writing and implementing efficient code.
- Release management.
- Working closely with other developers.
- Maintaining and upgrading existing systems.
- Mentoring developers.
January 2017 - November 2017 (11 month)
POSITION: Senior Python Developer
RESPONSIBILITIES: Department of online store development, Software Development Department, Information Technologies Department.
June 2016 - February 2017 (9 month)
POSITION: Senior Python Developer
EMPLOYER: Rambler&Co [Wikipedia]
RESPONSIBILITIES: Independent design of project components, participation in the assessment and planning of tasks, improvement and refactoring of existing code, evaluation of work for future projects, mentoring and assistance to employees.
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Internet technologies
Jule 2015 - June 2016 (1 year)
POSITION: Python Developer
EMPLOYER: Rambler&Co [Wikipedia]
RESPONSIBILITIES: Participation in project architecture design, development and support of external and internal project functionality, development and support of corporate and public APIs, automation of business processes, task planning.
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Internet technologies
September 2009 — June 2013 Bachelor, Voronezh State Technical University
Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Security. Information Systems and Technologies
August 2013 — June 2015 Master, Honours Degree, Voronezh State Technical University
Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Security. Information Systems and Technologies
- Analysis of VK friendly relationships using Python, April 2014 – receiving data using the VKontakte API, processing and building a graph of common friends. Using VkScript and stored procedures. Worked 12 times faster than competitors.
- Analysis of VK friendly relationships using Python. Continuation, November 2014 – adding a function to get data about “deep” friends (friends-friends as deep as you please), horizontal scaling, 148 algorithms for graph analysis, improving the algorithm for obtaining data. At 2 workstations - 60 times faster than competitors. Visualization of graphs.
21 June 2017
Moscow Python Meetup №46 - Lamoda Banner System Anatomy.
27 April 2016
Moscow Python Meetup №34 - Presentation about creation Telegram Bot with Python interpreter inside. PythonAwesomeBot – github.
18 March 2016
Moscow Python Meetup №33 - Perfoming with report Jupyter Notebook. YouTube, github, anonse, report, IT.Mail.Ru.
19 November 2015
Moscow Python Meetup №30 - Presentation dedicated to analysis of VK friendship network. Based on my articles Analysis of VK friendly relationships using Python and Analysis of VK friendly relationships using Python. Continuation.
4 June 2014
Perfoming on Python Community Voronezh Meetup (DataArt) - Analysis of VK friendly relationships using Python., YouTube.
WorkShops and Trainings
20 May 2017
Coach at Django Girls (Lamoda)
9 - 10 Jule 2016
29 May 2016
Coach at Django Girls
24 May 2016
Master Class for Moscow Aviation Institute students. FaceMash idea.
6 Febrary 2016
Coach on the first Django Girls in Moscow. Post.
10-11 December 2016
The winner of Strip Hack Moscow 2016. Team BroCard.
24 April 2016
Finallists of #1 Global Chatbots Hackathon. PythonAwesomeBot github.
10-11 October 2015
Participation in DATA.GOV.RU HACKATHON #2. Project National Ecological Monitoring. The project went into the second round.
31 May 2015
The winner of Make City hackathon. Hackathon is about creations of services, games and apps which improoves city arias. Solo Participating. Post.
Projects on Github
- Pet Project. on C + Swift.
- load averange
- pids count
- Threads count for one pid
- Threads count for all pids
- Processes info
Want to create MacOS little widget.
- Chat on Erlang.
- chatweb – Botui (vue.js) + JavaScriptBert. So, frontend -> backend : erlang terms.
- chatios – Swift
- chaterl – Erlang + Bert (fork)
- bert fork – Erlang BERT encoder/decoder.
- adding install via rebar
- adding BERT 2.0 Proposal: New complex type (bert-rpc mailing list 1, bert-rpc mailing list 2).
- HyperLogLog fork. Some fixes for using in production. Merged to origin.
- mx - all my PR to mx – OTP Message Broker
- Queue Limits
- Docs upd
- Clearing tables (previously saved, leading to bugs after a restart)
- Separate databases when using multiple instances on the same hardware
- Dependency, compilation, release generation update
- Master-Slave on different hosts
- Fix copying tables during replication
- raven-erlang fork
- No rebar_hex, we could not build release without connecting to an external mirror (rebar_hex).
- basic sender in telegram channels
- dive_into_erlang - first steps in Erlang.
- hacker_rank_tasks - algorithms training.
- python-bot - PythonAwesomeBot. Python interpeter in Telegtram.
- habr_favs - Word Cloud of my favourite articles.
- Asynchronous multi-user chat - is a client-server asynchronous application that implements multi-user chat with rooms and private messages. Each request from a client or server is validated by checking the integrity of the message. The interaction protocol and server startup scheme are described.
- Algorithms training.
- vk_friends — distributed information system for obtaining, building and analyzing social graphs from the VKontakte network. + 2 articles. Builds a graph of friendships in, gathers user friends recursively arbitrarily deeply.